
Ascension: Line of Sight

I sighed inwardly, staring past the vast blocks of red display boxes into the man’s eyes.

“Your point is valid, Captain, but let’s not rush into things. First, regardless of what happens after we leave, we won’t all be able to do so unless we can repair both shuttles.”

Ishikawa didn’t look like he was ready to push the issue, so I forged on a bit.

“However, we also need to get out to the wreck of the Nineteen Eighty-Four and do a proper search-and-rescue operation.”

“You don’t think anyone survived that blast, do you?”

“The chances are slim, Captain, but there might be materiel or parts that we can use. And if anyone managed to get to an escape pod, there’s a chance they would have been thrown clear during the initial detonation.”

He nodded. “Which shuttle is more functional?”

“Shuttle 2 isn’t currently capable of holding pressure, but we don’t need it for SAR. If you have any EVA-certified personnel, get them ready.”

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