
GPS: Semantics

Katuman heard him, but did not turn when he entered the project room.

“Professor, I’ve been looking for you.”

“Isn’t there a party you should be attending, Director?” he asked, shortly.

“I’d hoped you’d be there too. Daniel…” He felt the hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry – but you were outvoted.”

“Nothing so democratic.”

“Overruled then. But won’t you join us now? You of all people deserve the recognition; we’re all part of mankind’s greatest achievement.”

“Or witness to his greatest folly.”

He drew a sharp breath. “Come on Daniel – how could there be any danger? Crateris b is 180 light years away. Even if they decided to pay a visit immediately on receipt of our message it would be centuries before they arrived, even at light speed.”

“You are assuming, of course, that we fully understand their transmission?”

“The consensus translation is quite unambiguous; there can be no doubt of what it says.”

“Oh, I know what it says,” said Katuman quietly. “But I doubt if any of us knows what it means.”

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