I’m a little uncertain about the start (‘is not that there isn’t enough food’), but I really like how it picks up once it gets going. The concept of a return to a ‘Garden of Eden’ situation, either deliberately, or accidentally, is one I keep meaning to explore further.
I have thought before that every time there is a death, a baby is born. Yet if that were true there would be no population explosions, there would be stasis. The thought process here is not evil, the means with which this person MIGHT make it happen COULD be villainous, but that leaves a lot to the imagination.
Nice thought process for the villain’s motive—from what I’ve taken from the story, though, I’d disagree with Elsha—it seems it’s about him justifying his killing of people. Murder is murder is murder. Anyway, I think the cold logic makes him that much more villainous.
ElshaHawk (LoA)