Love I Long For (Relationship) cont.
My fear in this is that since he said that, I will lose him to her one day. Maybe after seeing her randomly or spending time with her (they do go to the same church), he might realize that he still loves her. I’m scared to talk to him about it and ask his honest thoughts on it for a few reasons: I’m scared that he’ll think I don’t trust him, for one. I’m scared of his answer, for another. If he responds with what I fear, I don’t know how I’ll respond. I might go numb and be afraid to love him. Everyone else in my life who I’ve ever loved (friend, family, s/o) has hurt me…significantly. The last person that meant the world to me left me trusting no one. I’m scared of what I actually need to know now. I need to also say that I trust N more than anything or anyone in this world…which is why it’s stupid for me to worry and dwell on this, but I can’t help it until I hear him tell me that I have nothing to worry about. Next step is figuring out how/if I should ask. Que sera, sera.