

So here I am, the last thing I remember was putting the cold gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger, my life was no the quite “perfect life” you would expect in a 21 years college student. So I can’t see nothing, I mean, its all dark, I hear stuff, like office noise but I can’t figure out what is it, if this is hell, looks like it’s gonna be an interesting ride.

The sound of one opening door woke me up, I heard some steps, a chair moving, someone just sat and put something on what it look liked a table, I extended my hand and indeed, there was a table, I was in a cold chair, but when I tried to touch my face he said something.

Mystery Guy: Wait

Afraid of what could I found, I put my hands down.

Me: Who are you?
Mystery Guy: Just a moment…Ok! now we are clear

He stood up, and here is where things got way too real.

Mystery Guy: Welcome to the Land of the Dead, my name is Manuel and I will guide you through this new world until your Ticket is ready!

Manuel: Now you can touch your face

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