Oh, wait. Disregard my previous comments. after reading this several times I think (keyword being “Think”) I understand this now. God, it’s a horror show trying to pick through your mind. :)
and do realize that it is now (checks watch) uh, 3:30 AM so be aware that I take no responsibility for any spelling errors or for that matter, whether any of this makes any sense at all.
I was going for ‘intentional’ like he wanted to set up the perfect proposal; that there was a reason they went through the stress, and it was a beautiful reason.
You will get to know me through time. I don’t usually write the sappy lovey-dovey stuff. :) This piece just led me there. I really wanted to throw in another twist! I just didn’t find the place for one.
I’m not the type for that either. Like you saw, immediately I had to put these two in some sort of danger :) A perfect, one night camping trip with a happy ending wasn’t in my agenda. I love suspense and danger, so when I write, I give my characters (And my readers) a ride of a lifetime throughout the story.
DjDashy (LoA)
DjDashy (LoA)
DjDashy (LoA)
DjDashy (LoA)
ElshaHawk (LoA)
DjDashy (LoA)
ElshaHawk (LoA)
DjDashy (LoA)
THX 0477