Two things: 1. I never said her clothes were ‘tattered’, just filthy. :P 2. She WANTS to go back.. then they skip back? When did he sign up for that? While men have a one-track mind, he wanted to go to the city and get the SUV taken care of. I never pictured him as a hippie-type, just throw it all to the wind and frolic.
Otherwise.. this is cheery and sweet, and I can’t wait to rip it apart. heh
First of all, obviously you missed the part where they were savagely mauled by teenage werewolves! Lmao. Or maybe that just happened in my head. Idk. The point is, you never said that their clothes were NOT “tattered” either. :P Secondly, Kelly is the one doing all the “Skipping” while Dan is now just being dragged along for the ride. He has no idea (yet) why Kelly has all the sudden decided to go back. In his mind he was still prepared for the long walk ahead of them. Maybe she wants to extend their stay a while longer. Maybe nature has grown on her and she has suddenly transformed from having such small, obtuse mind, to a woman with a mind full of adventure and spirit. :P