Nicely done! I love the rhyme, rhythm, tale, and the ancient legend kind of feel.
thanks much! I don’t often do full rhyme schemes like this so it was a bit of a risk but I had fun writing it
Good Job! I love the folk tale poem style
Hey! I have to disagree only in part. The story is wonderful, and expressive, and so bluntly tells of his failure which is fresh! I just feel like some of the rhymes are a little forced. You shouldn’t alter the structure of a sentence to fit the rhyme scheme. I love it, but maybe it never needed to rhyme. After all, you have such a beautiful vocabulary…
I have to disagree only in part. The story is wonderful, and expressive, and so bluntly tells of his failure which is fresh!
I just feel like some of the rhymes are a little forced. You shouldn’t alter the structure of a sentence to fit the rhyme scheme.
I love it, but maybe it never needed to rhyme. After all, you have such a beautiful vocabulary…
ah, thanks. this is my first time doing a fully rhymed poem, so I wanted to see how it would be. thanks for the feedback!