On the Now pt 2
The sunrise had been the first time I had seen the tower. Now so close and so existent, I couldn’t help but be careful when I moved my hands and feet along it. Not for my sake, but for the nature of the building itself. I had glanced up from the roof of my apartment to the far off figure, looming for and with the city. An aura of presence caught our attention. Jacob and I sitting there, laid back, sipping on the cool drink and basking in the cool air. Our minds working independently, yet also working on congruent wavelengths. I knew we must have the tower and so did Jacob. We caught the glow of the object. We caught it and the kickback was overwhelming, but manageable. Now, Jacob turns to me, tilted and understanding the same as me. “We’re gonna climb it,” he mentioned. I faced perpendicular to his. My nod waited a few moments, but the response was premeditated all the time. My peripherals highlighted. I looked down at the city now. The ongoing ongoings were everywhere. My! Oh my!