
On The Now pt 6

Of course knowledge is more than just memories and dreams and experiences. What about people? Others. In their own right, they are a genre of knowledge. People are vessels as well for the descriptions that carry meaning are they not? My fascination with humans grows and diminishes daily. An undulating roller ship of hope juxtaposed by dismay. I don’t think there is word for it. But in humans I do find solace. A place to rest and a place to tend to my wounds. I might throw my cares to them, in hopes that they catch and juggle them for maybe just the slightest second, but at least a second to catch my breath. In each other, I’ve found that we can emote ourselves in a way that is almost terrifying. We may “know” one other, but I find it impossible to bring myself to trust that one error that scares the knowledge right out of me, and that error is untruthfulness itself. An absolute blender of needs and wants are humans. Furrowed and angry th(we)ey are.

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