The Big Pig Pen Revision
Your words should
be refined thought,
let me remind you,
family, like friends,
aren’t chosen, they
are all we have, I’ll
say it again from the
pig pen I’m in, from
where I am the dog
house looks like a
mansion, but from
where I am, family,
like friends, are gar-
ments woven so strong
they can’t be broken, worn
when born and never chosen, O
pen up and close the door, your
stab tends to hurt so bad I can’t do
this [justice] anymore, it was worth your
touches, I’m sorry for the way I let the gold
inside go and rust so worthless, why, I barely
said the surface of how deep you had me, madly,
I simply thought we’d keep what we’d brought,
nothing worse than zero sleep, and the constant
weed helped me get healthy, bcuz it helped me
forget for a bit, hit after hit, until it struck me
that I’m really lucky in many ways, instead of
focusing on my pitiful problems, I might as well
help the ones reading solve them, like I do for the
ones I love, like you’re the same as them, then the