Like a phoenix from the Ficly
And so it came to pass that the word of the Almighty was addressed to Kevin and said unto him “Go forth and build a community of superb awesomeness, the like of which has never been seen upon the Earth. You shall call it Ficlets and it shall be the home of very very short stories.”
And Kevin heeded the call and, indeed, Ficlets was good.
And the community rallied around until, in the fullness of time, the Almighty spoke once more unto his prophet. “The time on this Earth for Ficlets has come and gone, you will make greater thing.”
And Kevin heeded the call and, indeed, Ficly was very good.
And the community rallied around and created awesomness in the world.
Until, in the last days, the Almighty spoke unto Kevin once more, saying “The great behemoth of Google is calling time upon its OpenID backend. The time for Ficly has come and gone. You are to pass the torch onto others of the Faithful.”
And ethelthefrog stepped up and spoke “ is a bit of a building site, my Lord, but it does work.”