Very promising start. There are a few things that leave me a bit confused, though they are probably caused by the limitations of the 1024-character format.
Did the phoenixes start their own fire with a match? How did a match survive the fire?
I’m not convinced by your use of semicolons. The first two read like they should be colons (introducing further explanation); the last one should be a comma.
Me being picky aside, this is a good start to a story I’d like to read more of.
The limit , left me to just leave it open. Feel free to write a sequel, but that’s all I could fit in a page. And phoenixes can’t use matches dummy, they’re birds.
The match part left me confused. How was it wet still after the fire? It feels like theres a tad more holes in the story then there should be, Feel free to sequel. Very mysterious though. Sorry about the low score. (Im gonna go add it to the rules that you can. Seeing that some people already did and it will clarify the matter)
The Silence [All By Myself] {LoA}