If it exists it can be coded
Every day he faced the wall. A plain white wall. He always thought that they could have been more creative with the seating plan.
It was a small idea at first, something created out of shear boredom of his surroundings of himself and his PC (and not forgetting the wall). From months of muddling through “entities”, “variables”, "strings (and the list went on), he came to the distinct conclusion that anything and eveything could be programmed in some shape or form.
Video games had been doing what he did for years, creating simulated worlds that were bound by rules – physics, what can go where and how they work for example. He just took it one step beyond genius.
His programming exercise started off with inanimate objects to test the water with. The colour of the sky, the speed at which the grass grew etc. He had enough time to eventually get onto more complex objects – people, animals. Eventually he had his vision.
This programmers name? Something along the lines of… God.