Just Judy
She was brilliant. But not in the smart way, brilliant in the sense that she shone every time she laughed, every time she sang, and every time she danced. She twirled in the sun, humming a tune only she knew, her dress floating out around her. Her curls bounced.
She didn’t know what day it was, what time. She didn’t care about seasons, just that she got to enjoy each one. She didn’t know evil was out there in the world, only sunshine, warm breezes, butterflies, and fuzzy puppies.
I turned the pages of the photo album. More memories flooded back, enlivening the pictures, making them move. She blew out the candles on her cake, after making a wish. She gave Mickey Mouse a kiss while wearing matching ears.
She lit up a room with her smile, making instant friends of everyone she met. She was never envious of anyone else, but content with what life gave her. Even as she lost to a disease.
She knew her time was short, from the moment she was born, so she lived every moment. Who was she?
She’s just, Judy.