Kind of depressing and seems to express a certain sense of futility to it all, especially in the ending.
yep. though i think he’s made up his mind that public opinion isn’t worth it.
‘Has Been was… Has Been will be… again’ – to quote William Shatner’s ‘song’. I don’t know, the body was depressing, but I read the end as him deciding ‘To heck with them, I’m going to live for me’ – which is not so depressing.
‘Has Been was… Has Been will be… again’ – to quote William Shatner’s ‘song’.
I don’t know, the body was depressing, but I read the end as him deciding ‘To heck with them, I’m going to live for me’ – which is not so depressing.
A moor on the back of his chariot whispered, “All glory is fleeting” Felix why didnt you listen?