
The Media Student

Perhaps the biggest let down Walker felt as they led him to his “room” (a cell with a nice, soft bed and a locked window) was that he’d miss the release of The Dark Knight. He’d been looking forward to that. But his mind had conspired against him. He’d have to ask them if he could be allowed to have a DVD player in his room so he could watch it later in the year. Maybe if he promised not to hang himself with the A/V cable…

Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.

He’d lost his grip on the world. He was aware of this. In fact it caused a bit of a metaphysical dilemma for Walker: Could he truly be insane if he was aware of the fact? The other “guests” here were far less connected to reality than he was. It reminded him of the asylum in 12 Monkeys. Now there was a good film.

He sat on his new bed, looking at the walls and the floor. The room looked uninviting, cold, and so Walker decided to count the number of hairs on his legs to pass the time until they let him out again.

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