
Sharon Stone Was Not Catwoman.

“Hey why you always hog the computer?”
“I don’t, but it is my computer.”
“It’s almost happy hour down at the lobby.”
“That is what i love about Drury Inn, drinks at five.”
“Baby that busted ass old episode of Batman is never gonna load.”
“Yeah it is.”
“They should have gotten Paris Hilton toi play Catwoman.”
“OH MY FREAKIN GAWD. You have finally lost. If anyone they should have got Sean Young.”
Ding the Elevator closes as our heros descend into the bowels of the Drury Inn for Happy hour.
“First of all Paris is an idiot and second she was like five when it came out.”
“Sharon stone is also an idiot.”
“Michelle Phiffer played Catwoman.”
“Same idiot.”
“She wants a Icey wet Gin Martini and i want a rum and diet coke.
“Sorry sir no vermouth no rum no diet.”
“well tequila and sprite and triple sec and a gin and tonic.
“sorry sir no tonic, no gin, no sprite, no tequila.”
“Two elementary martinis in a cold glass”
“No vodka, and only plastic cups, and no empty bottle of vermouth, and Ms. Stone was Catwoman.”

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