
The phone call

The phone in the living room rang.
“Mr. Rondel?” the voice asked.
“This is the Royal Navy calling. Can you talk?”

He looked into the kitchen. The Argentines sat around the table. Three weeks before they had been dropped off at the side of the road near the Rondels farm and told to set up a road block. They were all 18 and 19 year old draftees. No one had come out to feed them. After three days they came to the house to ask for food. By now the routine was established. They left their rifles outside, and scraped their boots as they entered the home. “Senora Rondel” had food piled high ready for all of them

“Can you see the road block?”
“Please watch it for a moment”.

A minute later a huge explosion threw up dirt several hundred feet into the air.

“How did we do?“
“You were about 50 yards north”.
“One moment please”.

A minute later the whole road block disappeared in a similar explosion.

“And that time?” inquired the voice on the phone.
“Dead on”.
“Thank you Mr. Rondel. Good day sir”.

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