When they call me..
“You can call me “Fini`” Though I do have many names, I don’t get to speak with many people, certainly don’t get to tell my side. See, I take care of things, all kinds of things. “You are wondering how I found you aren’t you, you thought you were invisible because of what, your mountains, because of your people perhaps..?” “You should have surrendered, when they called you out and gave you the chance, you should have surrendered, it would have been so much better for you..” “As I said before, I take care of things, things that people don’t want to deal with, I don’t mind getting my hands dirty, when they call me, that is the end, I am the finality, the last destruction.” “You are a selfish man Bin-Laden.. so, goodbye to you, those that hide with you, they will see the place where you were, no longer majestic and high but desolate and level.”
A. Tom BomB