random and stolen. ;)
yeah yrah
by the way this a quote from joy hickey the stay at trailer mom on my name is Earl
HAHAHAHAHA!! Leave it to you to take things to the NEXT level! Awesome.
Random, but I’m going to have to dock you a pencil for the plagiarism.
t in the industry that is called a quote, and since it used to be my old bio tag line i thought ………
We’ll let you get away with it .. this ONE TIME!
I thought you used to strip in flip flops…
only in my basement
lmao. What?
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
ALRO613 (LoA)
THX 0477
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
ALRO613 (LoA)
Chakatreamentinnahouse (LoA) Fool
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
StudMuffin (LoA)