
765-23 Key Stroke ZED, The Manual on Chivalry

The beautiful weeping of the captain’s flute sent chills across the naked bloody body of the executive officer. As she pulled her hand from his throat, the limp mass of ambassadorial flesh fell in a heap on the floor of the cargo hold in front of the stunned witnesses.
“I declare this duel over.”
The captain said quietly.
The Kashkin Ninja, who had just been promoted to second in command asked Navigator Chang who had been acting as Orihime’s second, “My lady wants to know if we can prepare the body.”
She snapped back, “No, Definitely not.”
The small childsize Kaskin noble rose and asked the second, “What do you plan on doing with him”?
Navigator Chang replied, “The same thing we do with all broken machines on this ship. Throw it out the air lock.”
The Captain started to respond to the navigator’s insolence, but was interrupted by Corbin Bell who read quietly from 765-23 key stroke ZED, the manual on chivalry, “It is the sole decision of the second to the victorious party to decide the burial of the remains.”

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