
Mistake #2

Tim stopped walking abruptly. That last response from Stacey suddenly set him on edge.

“Look I just don’t wan’t to tell you the rest ok!” he snapped

Tim’s response was so loud it could be heard at the bus stop. Everyone turned around.

“Stacey I didn’t mean-”

“Shutup. You think I’m going to sympathize with you without knowing the whole story?”


“And I even come because i was worried about you and you pull this crap?!”

Tim fell silent.

“Walk yourself home.”

Stacey turned around and walked away. Tim knew he should probably go after her and try and set things right, but who’s logical when emotional? Logic and emotion never walk hand in hand. It’s like oil and water. They don’t mix.

When Tim finally got home he was feeling worse than before. It was wrong to have snapped at her like that but her reaction was a little severe.

Tim flopped down on his bed.

“Oh man, This is so wrong.” he thought “Some plan i had. I’ve alienated Stacey and I just might not get her back.”

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