My latin leaves much to be desired. I cannot be sure I got the verb / adjectives to agree or not. If anyone knows of a more proper tranlation, I will correct. But I am fairly sure the form “semper ubi sub ubi” is incorrect.
And if you arent sure what to make of the quote, mothers have been saying it to their children for centuries.
Thanks for doing my challenge. I took latin for two years. Some advice: don’t take latin. It will bore the socks off of you. But I think you got that right :)
hey you used three ablative cases in a row, but dont worry it is still translatable. look Duckie when you get inducted into the League Of Awesomeness i believe you should be His Holy Duckness. I entered five times and you still have me and my eucharist story and my android story i was real proud of but you had to put me down, I’m not worthy Duckie.
Branwen Hernandez
Radical Yellow Duck
Katie Kim
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)