
Observation IX

He nodded in her direction, giving a small wave and little smile. She was just as beautiful as he remembered, and the amount of excitement he felt was raising by the second. To keep himself busy Nate pulled out a sketchbook from his saddle bag, flipping it to the first open page.

It was far easier to observe the girl in this environment, each curve of her body devoured by his hungry eyes as he put it down on paper. Perhaps his infatuation was growing to unhealthy levels, but there was no way to spot it. He began to sketch the cafe’s uniform onto the figure, marveling at how cute he found the simple frock.

Nate wanted nothing more then to be a comic artist, and not since had first started brainstorming for his issues had he been this excited. All those long days sitting in the park had finally payed off, she was perfect.

He had once thought of her as his muse, and now, more then ever, that was true. She brought inspiration to a well he thought was running dry.

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