Heck of a title, and it leaves me very curious how something like this could come about. Me, I was always on the short bus, socially speaking, so it’s hard to imagine one of the elite falling that far and with principal involvement no less!
I have had three instances in life where I was in trouble and didn’t know why. After I figured it out, and cried a lot, it took a long time to do whatever necessary to make things better. Mostly, people need time to forgive and forget. A wise man replied when asked what to do if someone doesn’t accept your apology, “There isn’t anything you can do but move on. If they won’t forgive you, it’s their problem.” And myself innately worried about other’s people’s feelings over my own, have a real problem not empathizing.
WTF did she do? I mean damn. Ususally when you eff up you know it, and usually it takes way more than words. I definitely feel for her, not knowing sucks!