
Chasin' Tags

Dear Sir,
I am taking this opportunity to tell a most extraordinary tale concerning the loss of seven of "Ficly’s most treasured “Tags”.
I know they were there when someone wrote “APOCALYPSE” because this is the first one that disappeared. We tried to follow the “TRAIL” through the “TIME TRAVEL” gate but it was closed for repairs. We asked at"WESTERN Union" if they had seen any shredding happening around the time of the Disappearance.They suggested we seek the help of a new kid on the block who was also a great “DETECTIVE”. His name …Sherlock Holmes. He lives in a little “HAMLET” down by the "TIME TRAVEL " gate and is a frequent visitor to the other side.
So when he finally crossed over (I mean literally not out of the closet) He came across the “TAG”," AWESOME." Realising he had stumbled onto something he has enlisted the help of your most esteemed collegues Kevin and Jason to hold counsel with him for the return of these most prestigious artifacts.
I await your advice.
Yours Sincerely
The Rogue Ficly.

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