
Thumb War

This was war. But what it needed, as all good wars, was a slogan.

“Three Two One – Thumb Fun”? No, that would never work. Too short, not catchy. No one would go to war for that.

“One Two, Thumb-Fu”? Catchy, but only really relevant if warring against Blackberry users or martial artists.

“One Two Three, Thumb-foolery”? Had possibility, but after the Great Thumb Blitz of ’87, we don’t get fooled again.

“One Two Three Four Five, Let’s all join in the thumb-fight drive”? No good. Brings about thoughts of USB flash drives.

“Four Five Six Seven, Thumb-fight now, News at Eleven”? Good slogan for the nightly newscasts, but not catchy for those in the trenches.

Suddenly – Inspiration

“One Two Three Four, I Declare A Thumb War!” Yes, this was the slogan they had been vying for. This would inspire, this would unite. Yes! Let the battles begin. . .

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