
Kevin and Jason visit the Octopuses garden.

The room was a sea of octopus ink. Someone had made Calamari in the last 24 hours.
Kevin( the Medical Examiner, ) was doin’ his thing. Goin’ thru all the techno geek stuff on the computer with that look on his face that says"don’t talk to me, I’m very savage and busy". His face turns to “who me”?as Jason strolls in and tells him everyone is happy and Ficly is goin’ so well they can toss their day jobs in. This is of course after Kevin finds out who killed the octopus ‘ficlet’ out of season.(do octopuses come into season often?).
Hey. Wait a mo. There is something coming up on the computer. Looks like….. nah it won’t ever happen..OH SHIT YES. Can you see that blip? Its bloody THX AND MIGHTY JOE YOUNG. They is on one of those everglade ,swampy things and they have painted it blue..nooooo.. its more octopusses ink.

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