hoho. im not sure about my sequel. but i hope you’ll like it. if you don’t please tell me, so that i could improve.. and please give me some piece of advice.. im an amateur..
I like what you did with the character Elsha made. The only quibble (someone else used that word, and it works in comments) I have is that the names don’t sound real. I suppose it’s too late now, and it probably stems from me being born into a generation mostly void of those names (a mouthful, sorry).
Except for Steve of course. Steve is a mighty and noble name that every parent should bestow upon his/her offspring.
(Also, I know it’s entirely possible that this story does not take place in present day, but like I said, my generation doesn’t hear Tammy and Janet much except in story problems.)
Stovohobo – thanks! I will be more thoughtful about names in the future. (I would love to change them now, but I think it would be too confusing for continuity. How are “Christine” and “Izzy”?)