

You were more than just my brother; you were my friend. I turned to you when there was no one else that I could turn to. You hit me on the back of the head when I did something stupid and hugged me when I needed it. I loved you probably more than you will ever know. I prayed for you, I cried with you, and Thursday, July 23, I cried for you. You were my rock and my laughter. You watched out for me even when I didn’t know it. It’s hard to believe that I no longer have you here. I stay awake at night, angry and upset that you aren’t going to be here for key points in my life. The grief hits me in waves. Some waves last longer than others and some barely affect me. In the words of the song “Grace” by Kate Havnevik, ’Don’t know how, but I’ll get by/Slowly pull myself together.’ That’s exactly what I will have to do. My brother is gone. I feel that his time was too short but somehow, someway, I will get through this pain.

R.I.P Myles Chadwick Davis
November 14, 1987-July 23, 2009

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