
Paranoid Android or I Am A Computer

“He is in there detective in front of the computer.”
“Did he confess?”
“He is wearing her skin and guts as a suit, I say he did it.”
“Ya think?”
The detective approached the macabe mangled mass of morose mutilated meat draped over the perfectly calm resident of 333 Valentine Avenue.
“Why did you do it?”
“30 Years, she never told me.”
“What didn’t she tell you”?
“It was right there, how didn’t I know.”
The detective inquired, “What?”
“She said the pump was out on the pool, and i should enter the serial number and the captcha from the old one into the computer so Roebuck and Walden could deliver a new one. After six hundred and sixty seven tries i realized why i couldn’t do it.”
“I am sorry sir.” The detective answered with mist in his lenses.
“She said she loved me every night for thirty years, and the truth was right there. It was the last thing you would ever expect to find in the bottom of a swimming pool.
I couldn’t enter the captcha.
She never told me.
I am a computer. "

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