Vampires Please?
“Pardon me, did you say sword?” Jerry said incredulously.
“Yup, if you do have a vampire issue.”
“Well, about the sword, I was the Rutgers All-Conference fencing champion, if that counts, and on the second, who else drains blood?”
“Morticians, dumbass.”
“Look, Mister…”
“No, you look. This man who killed your family… Was his skin like a baby’s, meaning it was all you could do to resist touching it?”
“Wait a minute. I am no nancy.”
“And his voice seemed to lure you into whatever he desired, and his eyes…”
“YES!” yelled Jerry.
Lester bit off the end of his cigar, twitching, and replied, “Not vampires. Nephilim.”
“What?” Jerry asked.
“Genesis 1, verse 6 : ‘The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men.’ Half gods, half men.” Lester held his head in his hands. “I would have preferred vampires.”