That was amazing… I’ve got to go check out the DM song now. Might have heard it before but I gotta hear it again.
Thank you!
Just to clarify, she accidentally switched with dad because he backed out before she saw him, leaving her to think that user 002 was actually user 001… Right?
This is such a good story Text. Would like to see it metamorphose into a book with a copy in my name on the flyleaf. Wow. And I had to read it twice to get it was her father. Mess got it first time clever nut
And I was thinking the same thing. I want to transform this story into a book, but I couldn’t possibly steal it from Text! That’d be plagiarism, which I despise more than anything.
I read it slowly, to catch each point and its details. I also took notes. :) Firstly, let me say there is a lot of story in a little space, this would make a good short story ,maybe for a magazine submission? ;) One note: in part 1, the words “slighted in” didn’t fit right tome, i think maybe “spliced in” would fit better. and if you do expand it to publish, make sure you put a tiny explanation that she was looking for the last user she connected t, so no on else gets confused. Otherwise, let me say that this was extremely creative and twisted, which makes for a great tale!
Marli and TextMason, it’s only plagiarism if you don’t credit the original author. Everything on Ficly is CreativeCommons, so you can blatantly steal the idea, as long as you a) credit Text Mason and b) release it under the same Creative Commons licence. Of course, that’s not actually the point you were driving at…
Anyway. I am completely stunned by this piece. Absolutely fantastic work.