Let me tell you about Sergei. He’s 6’1", lean and muscular; his color is a beautiful reddish-brown and he is well-proportioned. We’ve been together for almost a year, and I’ve never regretted a day of it.
We have our problems, like any couple. He doesn’t like it when the weather is too hot or cold; he becomes peevish, and then I become peevish, and then we’re both peevish and one of us walks off in a huff. (Usually me.) At night, I’m too tired to see him when I get home, let alone spend any time with him. In the morning, we might have a song and a quick caress before I leave for work again.
It’s magical when we have an afternoon to ourselves. I can touch him for hours, closing my eyes and singing along as we play Bach, Brahms, Chopin. Our favorite piece is his namesake’s Prelude in C# minor, Op. 3, no. 2. It’s OUR piece, one we played when we met at the music shop. I squealed when we got to the recapitulation; that’s when I fell in love. His power is breathtaking.
Every pianist should have her own piano.