
Love That Hurts

You yell, you scream.
You don’t listen to me,
When I say you’re being mean.

I fall down hard,
When you push me,
I become scarred.

Then you help me,
You say you love me,
And kiss my bruised knee.

I’m lost,
I don’t know what to believe,
How much will pure happiness cost?

I don’t know what I said,
But I guess it was wrong.
My cuts are bleeding red

I hate you,
I love you,
Which path should I pursue?

I can choose hating you,
Or I can choose loving you,
What if I love and hate you?

I’ve built my life around you,
I’m afraid to change,
I’m so unsure of what to do.

We were so perfect before,
But now you’re always angry,
Apologies are becoming a chore.

But, what do I say?
“I’m sorry.
I love you.”

by a friend.

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