…I was looking out the window and I saw a bee. I remembered how much I loved bees and how much they fascinated me. Then it just really came to my attention how they were the single bug I didn’t hate. Later that day, I stepped on one on my way to the pool. Then I remembered how much I fear bees and how much they disgust me. Speaking of disgusting, I hate pools too. And pool-err billiards? I HATE BILLBOARDS. They’re stupid. This is a stupid poem about a stupid person. EW I HATE PEOPLE. Well I do love people, but not all people. Wait no I hate people. Except for certain ones that are cool. Ew no I don’t. Being cool is for losers. I’m a loser. I wish I was in the Loser’s Club. Lucky seven. I always wanted to kill a clown. Seven is my favorite number. That reminds me-I need to finish reading Duma Key. I wish I was an artist like Edgar. This one time I drew a picture with a giant pencil HOLY CRAP!! Ew J.E. Hoover. EW I HATE VACCUMS. Artists are cool. Sorry I just lost my attention and searched Cthulhu in google.