
Should I Be Concerned?

I want to tear you up to shreds.
Mince your fingers. Chop your head.
Slice your forearms. Remove your scalp.
Then beat you into a bloody pulp.
I’ll steal your money and burn your room,
and throw you into a watery tomb.
I’ll erase every figment I have of you
in hopes of giving you a clue.
I’ll rip the pictures of us to pieces,
then cry until the tearfall ceases.
I rip you up and I feed on your pain,
in the long run, your sacrifice won’t be in vain.
But soon I’ll resent it
and then I’ll regret it
and I’ll know it was a clever mistake.
I should have known that it wasn’t fake.
And hopefully by then I’ll realize
how much I need you by my side.
You’re just like me in every way
and I’m reminded of that every day.
I’d love to take advantage of it.
You don’t know the half of it.
I guess it’s one more thing that you can’t see,
When one and another were meant to be.
You said it yourself, it would be better.
Now all we need is a resignation letter.

And that’s the kind of friend I am to you alone.

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