Wow. I get this. I can’t truly identify, but I completely understand which means you’ve conveyed yourself very well.
Ohh snap! I feel some weird Basic Instinct thing coming on! Bring on the pain.
way to go. ..i like it!! 5pencils for you!*
way to go. ..i like it!!
5pencils for you!*
I like the way you’ve taken the gf of Dustin’s POV, but I’m a little sad you guys made the original observer such a twisted freak of a girl, because she was me.. lol. That’s okay though!
@ Elsha – Sorry about that. When I started writing, Tammy wasn’t even going to be aware of Dustin’s attentions. But then characters got away from me. @ Myra – I was not looking at this as Basic Instinct: The High School version, but if that’s where you take it, I am powerless to stop you.
@ Elsha – Sorry about that. When I started writing, Tammy wasn’t even going to be aware of Dustin’s attentions. But then characters got away from me.
@ Myra – I was not looking at this as Basic Instinct: The High School version, but if that’s where you take it, I am powerless to stop you.
Mayra! Sorry! Insufficient caffeine.
That ending says it all. Been there. Felt that.
My God, this was awesome.
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Alexa Reed (LoA)
Alexa Reed (LoA)
THX 0477