
Failure To Dance

Sophia reigned down bullets that reeked havoc like golf balls on a Pope mobile. The shells piled up around her feet and clichinkled around Fish, causing him to scream with deafening decibels, “Wait!”
Everyone stopped in their tracks like an almighty force had just hit a train sized pause button on a skyscraper DVD.
Fish snapped his fingers, and magically Death appeared behind an evil LoF turn table. Fish danced like a ballerina on angel dust then vogued a pose, and said, “Deathie DreamWeaver.”
“Really? I mean Really? Dream weaver?” Chaka said to Mighty-Joe Young, the sequined antihero.
Mighty Joe replied, “I kind of like this song.”
“This is too savage, its even too gay for you. Me and Elsha are out of here.”
Mighty dusted off his illustrious attire and retorted, “leave if you want, I JUST WANNA DANCE.”
Mighty hit the front of deathies makeshift DJ both like Elton John impersonating the Fonz stopping Dreamweaver in mid chorus and causing the BeeGees to roar from the turn tables.
Let’s Dance

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