Well of course she is acting bitchy. After all she is a bitch.
Of course all of this angst could be solved with the simple installation of a “doggy door” Even with sliding doors it is possible. Just open it up about one and a half dog widths, insert the door on the bottom and put a sheet of plexiglass above to keep the cool air in and the bugs out.
now see how this works you commented on ducks story and then he commented on your…Ray Charles could see how this works, we arent freakin idiots after all are we? we altruists….so what you need to be doing is pulling your bloody foot out of of your gullet before you get athletes mouth.
my dog stays outside. and he’s still psycho. I thought cats were bad about wanting in and out all the time.. anyway, welcome to ficly, and I am about to comment on all your stories ;)
This one is kind of poetic, but more like a rambling on about your pet. Eh.