
Beside The Limelight (homophone)

“Roll out the seascape!”

It was dress rehearsal night for the children’s theater. I was a stagehand hauling, running, pulling, and listening to orders being snapped in my ear. Dress rehearsals take so much extra time! I bet I don’t get out of here until 2AM.

The worst part isn’t the getting yelled at, or the labor, it’s the fact that I KNOW I could do a better job acting than these kids. I’m supposed to be out there, on stage, not behind the scenes. My heart swells with the rise of every curtain, I smile at applause, I dream about roses thrown at me as I bow.

I shove the seascape, and work the pulley on the animatronic sea monster. The singing mermaid forgets her line.. “I would but be human.” Ugh. I’d never forget a line, nor get stagefright. If only the director could see..

I shoved the island scene into place and carried a grass hut onto stage left. It was as smooth as a ballet, but I never got praise. They thought the rehearsal dinner was thanks enough.

It’s not as good as a starring role.

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