
Every Seven Seconds

Conventional wisdom holds that men think about women every seven seconds. This is, of course, entirely true. Less well known, but far more interesting, is that most of the time these thoughts concern the exact same woman.

Gentlemen, think about a woman. Do not think about a specific woman, nobody who you have met or seen before, rather let your mind settle on the first, apparently imaginary, woman who enters your mind. Many of the details will likely be vague, though certain features may assert themselves. If you attempted to capture this woman on paper you would fail, the mind allows for a level of uncertainty which paper does not. Artists go mad attempting to describe her in paint or ink or word. Even the works which capture her essence fill in the gaps with fabrication, but they all paint the same woman.

She is, by fact of her subconscious pervasiveness, the most desirable woman in the world, but she does not know it. Her name is Rebecca Saint-Marie, she lives in Quebec City and she cannot get a date.

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