
Boys Club

The boys thought they were too cool with their secret language. Sitting in their secret hide-away they planned their next adventure. “Tonight we go to J’s Cigar shop and collect more J.C.S. cigar seals we find on the ground. We need more to trade in for the clear marbles.”
“But the B. B. D.’s have all the clear ones. We need a plan.”
“Maybe we should steal them and escape on our B. I. K.’s.”
“They are Big Brain Deads for a reason, stupid. We can steal them easily. The problem is getting passed M.”
“M. always knows when we leave. Maybe we should walk instead of using our B.I.K.’s”
“Maybe we should try to blind them with our L.F.L.’s!”
“The laser flashlights are out of batteries besides it will still be light out when we attack. We need a distraction.”
“Use your U.S.”
Just then the blanket was pulled abruptly from atop their heads. “I know what that stands for! U.S. stands for ugly sister and I am telling mom, or M.! MOM!”
The boys tackled the bigger girl and covered her with the blanket.
“Ok, now what?”

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