The Apple of My Eye
The choo-chooing of a train roared as it pulled into the station.
He took a step away from her to admire her beautiful features. Her eyes were like chocolate covered almonds, her lips blazing like fire, her cheeks like round apples, creating the shape of the canvas.
Gabe bent down to kiss her flawless forehead.
She sighed contently and made sure his scarf was wrapped around his neck tightly in the chilly weather. With a sly smile and a wink, he turned to get on the train.
“Don’t forget about me, Gabe?!” She shouted, her southern accent ringing in his direction.
He answered with, “Never, darling, for you are the apple of my eye!” and danced off and onto the train.
Under his breath he muttered, “Always, the apple of my eye,” followed by a frightening grin. With the snap of his fingers, the train began to exit the station. A few hours later, someone came looking for her, knowing where she would be. He looked, but the platform was empty.
Except a rotten apple, sitting lonely and frostbitten.