“Mother knows best,” eh? I don’t know anything about having babies, but is that discharge stuff true? It gives me the proverbial “willies” thinking about it. Good voice, Coccinella. Good voice indeed.
“Mother knows best,” eh?
I don’t know anything about having babies, but is that discharge stuff true? It gives me the proverbial “willies” thinking about it.
Good voice, Coccinella. Good voice indeed.
Funny little letter. Good job on the maternal character, bordering on intrusive but very concerned.
Guh. Reminds me of too many conversations with my mother during my pregnancy. There’s nothing like pregnancy & kids to get the family drama brewing. And, ya, had my mom written me a letter, I would have been very tempted to do the same thing.
Guh. Reminds me of too many conversations with my mother during my pregnancy. There’s nothing like pregnancy & kids to get the family drama brewing.
And, ya, had my mom written me a letter, I would have been very tempted to do the same thing.