Not moving
It was no one’s fault. Just a random freak of nature. It happened all the time, but one always secretly hoped that it would be someone else to suffer, some other family.
The first she knew of it, was the scream from the nursery. Kate had gone to check on Sandy, while she went to the kitchen to make coffee. The sound was so jarring, she’d nearly dropped the pot. The follow up cry of “call 911” nearly stopped her heart.
But she didn’t freeze. Not then, at least.
With a calm that astonished even herself, she picked up her cell phone, dialled the required number and walked to the big window in the back of the apartment, where the signal was best.
“911. How can I…”
“I need an ambulance. It’s my son.”
“OK, ma’am. I need your loca…”
“We’re at 4th and Washington. Apartment 6, on the 3rd floor.”
“And can you descr…”
“He’s not breathing. I’m not sure when he stopped. My partner’s just found him.”
“A unit is en route, ma’am. They’ll be there in about th…”
“I’ll wait by the door. Thank you.”