I’m with stupid. Old fart. Old guys rule. Retired and lovin it. Someone went on vacation and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
If I see another t-shirt with one of these sayings, I think I’ll scream. I walk in the mall and see walking billboard after billboard. Some even challenge you to come closer to read it.
I often wondered what someone would do if I did walk up to them, grab their shirt and bring it right up to my eyes so I could actually read it. I think it would look disturbing to onlookers, frazzle the wearer, but humor me.
I agree that people should stand up for what theybelieve in. But advertising? I just don’t get it.
I am guilty of wearing the logos, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and other designer clothes. Maybe they are just the classier version of advertising. Maybe it is all the same, just not as belittling.
I continue my walk in the mall. Now I see ‘I love Becky". This isn’t a t-shirt; it is a tattoo.
That opens another can of worms.