To The_Note_Writer: Well you see, I’m pretty sure I’m not suppose to be here. I just found the link somehow (lucky me!) and this is just a story of how I was feeling and what I thought as I umm.. sneaked into ficly like an illegal immigrant. To Lone Writer: Whispers, “SHUSHH!! .. But thanks.” To Elshahawk: Thanks for the advice… sneaks back into the shadows
I always knew “security through obscurity” was a bad idea. Oh well. Welcome aboard, however you found out about (just please don’t tell anyone else – as you can see, we’re not quite ready yet).
We have to be careful when logging bugs at Get Satisfaction everyone. In some of the bug logs, we added links to the site. Regardless.. Welcome to the Beta Rain! Great story so far! :)
When Stovohobo showed me the Ficly beta, I was extremely tempted to make a profile and start writing immediately. But, unlike some people, I have self-control and I wait until sites officially open. Tsk tsk. Hah just kidding.