Sorry, just trying out stuff. This was a good enough of a first that I decided to post it in the first place. :D
i’m really confused. but i think that’s the point.
i am just Corn-fused
I’m confused, too. But, since that’s my normal state of mind, this made perfect sense to me. :-D Seriously, though, I do find it oddly intriguing. I’m not sure why, but, regardless, 5/5.
I’m confused, too. But, since that’s my normal state of mind, this made perfect sense to me. :-D
Seriously, though, I do find it oddly intriguing. I’m not sure why, but, regardless, 5/5.
Yep, confused. Feels like there is a neat point in there, but it’s lost in the vagueness.
i kinda like it.
You certainly hit the nonsensical nail on its nonsensical head… :)
not confused! ding! score one for me! It’s like a double negative, and therefore, doesn’t exist!
thanks for the comments, guys! I was experimenting on crazy kinds of poems. This one was my first try on a square poem, hence the nonsensical nonsense abound on the verse. And the lack of rhyme. XD
thanks for the comments, guys!
I was experimenting on crazy kinds of poems. This one was my first try on a square poem, hence the nonsensical nonsense abound on the verse. And the lack of rhyme. XD